Saturday, March 17, 2007

Taxi Tales

My latest taxi tale started off as a normal taxi ride to work. Zig-zagging around through a neighborhood to avoid traffic (a common practice that I am quite certain does not save any time), we waited our turn at one of the many four-way stops. Then, as the driver turned right, the steering wheel came off the steering column! He slammed the brake, but not before we hopped the curb onto the sidewalk. Stunned, I watched as the driver picked up the steering wheel, stuck it back on the steering column, then carefully bumped off the sidewalk back onto the road. He delivered me safely to my office with a new appreciation for vehicle inspections and another story to tell. I really should record taxi stories to at least be a chapter in a book of experiences in West Africa, but since I lack the talent to write a book, I guess I'll stick with blogging.

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